Welcome to MyLot

MyLot is a social site which rewards you for taking part in discussions. There are members from all over the world and it is a great place to meet people, discuss and learn about other cultures, hobbies, likes and dislikes and almost anything under the sun.

It is important to read a few things once you have joined and before you dive in. They can be found under "Help" in the small box at the top left of any page with your username and avatar and underneath your earnings total and the 'Settings' menu. The links (in red) below, however, will take you to the relevant pages.

What May I Do Here - And What May I Not Do?

The Community Guidelines are what the 'rules' are called. There's just one page of them and most are common sense. Please read them carefully because if you don't follow them, you are likely to lose discussions and posts and, in certain cases, your account.

How Do The Earnings Work?

Many people's first question is "How do the earnings work?" and everything you should need to know about this is contained in the Earnings Program FAQs. It's worth remembering that what you post - whether it is a discussion, a response or a comment - is unlikely to be worth anything at all unless other people interact with it! MyLot rewards you according to what others think of your posts and how they choose to interact.

I'm Lost! - How Do I Find My Way Around?

A new site is sometimes confusing. This Short Guide to the Menu system should help you get started!

I've Got A Question!

You're bound to have many questions at first and many, of course, have been asked countless times before. You can find the answers to most of them in this discussion and you will also find other members very helpful and willing to point you in the right direction ... you just have to ask or post a response in that discussion! Many discussions have been posted, both by Admin and by experienced members, clarifying how MyLot works. Some of the best of them have been tagged so that they can be easily found. It's well worth looking through this list!

Remember, MyLot is, above all, a place to HAVE FUN! ...  Enjoy!


  1. from what little time I've been on this site I find it VERY easy & fun & excited to be on
    I have read everything I can find about this site & this is (IN MY BOOK) the best site
    I have found that is VERY WELL spoke HIGHLY OF thank you for all your hard work
    that went into this site & dedication :>}

  2. Thank you, Gayle. I agree that MyLot is an excellent and addictive site (which is why I have been a member for 9 years now!). It's also 100% reliable with regard to payments!

  3. This is very well done and very helpful. It is useful to former members as well as brand new members. Thanks for doing it. Also, it is so professional and attractive.

  4. Thank you .... I have read this through carefully and it has been a big help to a newbie like me. x

  5. This site is very nice and addictive. I have been a member since 9 years though been inactive for many years but now I m addicted to it and also provides opportunities to earn some extra bucks....

  6. thanks for this article about MyLot. It has helped me to finally get rid of that bubbling site out of my mind.I hope to enjoy interacting with the members as well.

  7. Hi I am not a newbie, been here for eight years but became inactive for five yeas?
    Thought that if I come back anytime , I could just continue and finish what I started, but noticed that my account is back to zero. Anyway it was okay with me. What I am trying to do now is learning how to start again, as everything is changed.Am finding it hard to locate my friends and my previous post.were they deleted also?

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by "my account is back to zero". If you can log in to your old account but it shows no activity or if you can see it but can't log in, you should contact Admin - http://www.mylot.com/goaskalice - who will probably be able to tell you what happened and how to reset your password, if you need to. If you cannot see your old account at all, then it may have been deleted. Accounts are NEVER deleted through inactivity, so either it was deleted because you asked for it to be deleted or it was deleted because of some Guideline violation. Again, only Admin will be able to tell you.

    2. I know my username password but my lot is showing username does not exist i was logged in mylot i don't know what happened and i automatically signed out and it showing me username does not exist

    3. @Riya Motwani: there is a user with the username 'Riyamotwani'. Try using that username and your password.

    4. i am having same problem.. it says username doesent exists but its my username..what is happening?

    5. i am having same problem it says username doesnt exist but .. its my username and i know i signed with that username

    6. If the site says that your username doesn't exist, then you have either typed it incorrectly or that account has been banned for violation of the Terms and/or Community Guidelines.

      In fact, I believe that more than one account you have created has been banned for plagiarism.

  8. Thanks for the links. I was searching for them yesterday to no avail. Which probably says more about me than the site. Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome and steering me in the right direction.

  9. I've been canvassing for a long time for the "Help" section to be made more obvious. "Help" ought to be on the black menu bar at the top, not underneath "Settings" in the 'user information' box (though there's no harm in having it there as well).

  10. I think mylot is the best place to be always, I found it very easy; no stress. Thanks for the post!!!!

  11. Thank you for referring me to your Blog, I am sure that I will find it very useful.

  12. Thank you for precisely discussed about mylot.This helps a lot

  13. i can not login my mylot account.it says user does not exists.plz how to solve my plm

  14. The most likely reason is that your account was deleted because of a Guideline violation. The most common reason for an account being deleted is advertising. If all that you want to do is to advertise or promote something, then MyLot is NOT the place for you! The next most common reason is that you posted plagiarised content. All content posted on MyLot must be original and unique. If it can be found elsewhere on the Internet then it is not allowed (even if it is genuinely your own).

    Your solution is to create a new account and to read and follow the Guidelines in future!


  15. Gustavo Woltmann17 January 2017 at 13:28

    Hi Andrew, I stumbled upon your site while looking at your profile on myLot. Great site for new members like myself who get a little bit lost on myLot. Your article explains the functions of myLot with clarity, and ease to follow guidelines. Thank you for your time. Gustavo Woltmann

  16. i just want to ask why i cannot log in on mylot today? it says the site has insecure connection and it takes too long to respond?

    1. Many browsers will tell you that the myLot site is 'not a secure site'. This is because the URL of a 'secure' site (where the data sent between your PC and the site is encrypted) begins with 'https://...' and all it means is that myLot does not encrypt data (because it has no need to).

      You should safely be able to ignore the message and log in with no problems.

      If the site is taking a long time to respond, this is more than likely due to the speed and/or quality of your own Internet connection. Try to improve the actual Internet speed you are getting and make sure that there is no interference with your WiFi (such as nearby microwave ovens, cordless phones &c.)

    2. Yeah, a month ago a few users saw it was 'not secure' and started freaking a bit...they thought it was a 'new' thing

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